Message from our Dean
Rabbi Mordechai German
Welcome to the Be’er Hagolah website. I am excited to share with you the beauty and strength of Be’er Hagolah.
Be’er Hagolah was founded in 1979, together with great Rabbis and my dear parents, Rabbi Avner and Rebbetzin Leya German a"h. They devoted their lives to the students and families that came through the Be’er Hagolah doors. When Jewish immigrants came en-masse, my parents stood with their arms outstretched ready to embrace them all! They provided their students with an excellent education, challenged their intellect, and developed their minds enabling them to integrate into their new environment as upstanding citizens while maintaining their pride in their Jewish heritage.
Today, I stand here with the same desire. Ready to embrace. Ready to educate. Ready to challenge the intellect and develop minds! Ready to cultivate upstanding citizens! Ready to share the power and the depth of our holy Torah, and our beautiful heritage.
It is my hope that through our website we will get a glimpse of the wonderful things that happen at Be’er Hagolah EVERY day! I invite you to come see for yourself and I look forward to greeting you personally.
Call our office at 718-642-6800 to schedule a visit.
Rabbi Mordechai German