Dear Friend,
We hope you and your family are doing well.
It has been a year since our 2024-2025 annual campaign. Because of your generosity, our students have been enriched during the last year with daily learning, davening, and educational programs. But you've given them so much more. Please take a moment to read a partial list of what your partnership has created this year.
- Thirty two new children were taken out of public school and enrolled into Be’er Hagolah
- We sent three boys to yeshiva in Israel
- We sent four girls to seminary
- Sixty boys put on tefillin during winter break!
- Our first BHI boys alumni mission to Israel took place
- Our high school girls went on a spiritually uplifting weekend retreat.
- Students throughout BHI went to their rabbeim and morot for Shabbatons
- Our boys basketball team participated in the inter-school basketball league
- Our elementary school students participated in a character development program called “Be a HERO”-Help Everyone Respect Others
- Our students were taught digital literacy and cyber security-how to stay safe online
- Classrooms were equipped with library carts. Students read books at their own pace and get tested on it
- Our staff was given professional development on topics such as classroom management, smart board training, literacy training, ELA, and were given the services of a math coach,
- A newly expanded resource room
- Enhanced English literacy program for English language learners
- Additional therapists were made available to our students
- Family purity classes for high school seniors
- Challah baking classes
- Rosh chodesh programs
- Our students were treated to dozens of guest lecturers such as doctors, nurses, and other professionals
- Twenty five girls were placed in summer jobs
- Our students volunteered more than one hundred hours at tomchei Shabbos
- Two new absorption classes in the elementary school division
- Alumni guidance counselors for both boys and girls divisions
- New music classes in lower school and elementary school
- Tracking of Junior high school girls for secular subjects
- Boys choir
- Armed Security
- Bar Mitzvah prep
We want you to have a share in the nachat from the fruits of your labor.
Please click on the image below and take a few moments to review the Be’er Hagolah Institutes 2023 - 2024 Annual Report.
With gratitude and friendship,
Rabbi Mordechai German
Zvi Belsky
Executive Director